End Human

You can help confront human trafficking here in Georgia.

Georgia is among the top 10 states of reported human trafficking cases every year.

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How to get involved

Want to know how you can get involved with Mission Georgia efforts towards confronting human trafficking in Georgia? Get started below:

Step 1

Donate to our programs and support Mission Georgia.

Step 2

Volunteer to help with Mission Georgia. 
Sign Up

Step 3

Take action, pray, & stay educated. 
Learn more below



About 374 girls are sexually exploited every month in Georgia.


Most individuals who are trafficked are kidnapped from the street.


The vast number of trafficking incidents begin with online activity or a familiar relationship.

Human Trafficking is Modern

Join the work to set captives free


  • Host a trafficking awareness event at your church, or partner with a local school to provide it for their students.
  • Provide care packages to your police and sheriff offices for trafficking victims. Packages can include hygiene products, blankets, stuffed animals and snacks.
  • Volunteer with a ministry or agency serving trafficking victims.
  • Provide missing person and trafficking fact packets to local motels and extended stay facilities.
  • Provide birthday and Christmas gifts for individuals being served by anti-trafficking ministries.
  • Collect paper products for the ministries who serve trafficking victims.


  • Parents and guardians to be aware of trafficking activity their children may be exposed to.
  • Individuals being trafficked to have opportunities to be rescued.
  • Wisdom for police, sheriff and FBI offices pursuing human trafficking rings in Georgia.
  • Ministries who are sharing the hope of the Gospel with trafficked individuals.
  • Children and student ministries to bring Gospel centered care to families in every Georgia community.


  • Warning signs of trafficking - Unexpected new phone, clothes or jewelry; sudden change in behavior, significantly older boyfriend or girlfriend, tattoos that look like a barcode, frequently skipping school. View Source 
  • 14 is the average age of a girl first used in the sex trade. View Source
  • Monthly in Georgia,12,400 men purchase sex with young women. View Source
  • Georgians for Refuge, Action, Compassion, and Education Commission (GRACE) was created to combat the threat of human trafficking in the State of Georgia. View Source
  • Analysis of calls to the Human Trafficking Hotline revealed a 40% increase in trafficking situations during COVID-19 shelter in place orders. View Source

We're big
believers in
human trafficking.

Your gifts allow us to help our churches grow in compassion for their neighbors and to share the gospel while confronting human trafficking throughout Georgia.